Tuesday, May 15, 2012

 Next Kids Eco-Yoga - 9th of June (2nd Saturday in June)

On an Eco-Yoga day (always the 2nd Saturday of each month), we encourage children to realise their connectedness with the environment and their own individual uniqueness through Yoga and activities around the garden, farm and woodland. It will be a day of learning with fun and creativity!

postures, movements, breathing, relaxation, visualisation, concentration, storytelling, games...

gardening, slowfood, campfire cooking,
farm animals, woodland trails, wild food, nature, arts and crafts...

8-12 years
The 2nd Saturday of each month
Venue is Crann-Og Eco Farm, Kilbeacanty, Gort


If want to make a booking, or have any questions about the day, please give Marion a call at 091 631602.