Mystic Bellydance Workshop
Awakening your inner Goddess
Workshop in
Crann Og, near Gort
Sunday April 28th , 10 am to 2 pm
We welcome the arrival of Spring by dancing together!!
This is space of dance, experiment and meditation, in which I want to show you a path to your own form of body expression, your own dance.
In the workshop we will learn a simple Oriental and Gypsy dance choreography.
It is a dance full of symbolism and charged with the feminine.... and joyful!
Bring a long skirt, shawl or colorful pareo.
We eat together after the workshop so if you wish you can bring some food to share.....
Lead by Amina Dancer, Bellydance teacher and coreographer
Cost: €27
Book your place at 089 4632885 / 098 37672